A New Play by Melissa Borgerding | Directed by James A. Goins | Produced by Stephen R. Rourke
When an older son and his pregnant wife have to confront their aging mother/mother-in-law about bringing her home to essentially die, they learn more about her
than they bargained for. “Someone Close to You” poses questions about the obligations we owe to our parents as they advance through life and when their freedom to live is usurped for our peace of mind.
Reading this Friday, February 3rd & Saturday, February 4th at 7pm
@ Theatre West
Featuring the Talents of:
TW Member Joe Nassi as Ben:
An insurance broker who sees risk everywhere.
TW Member Maria Kress as Christine:
About 20 weeks pregnant, and petrified of sushi & toxins.
TW Member Suzanne Collins as Helen:
A fiercely independent free spirit.
TW Member David Mingrino as Henry:
A former free spirit turned respectable college professor.
Northern New Mexico. The scrubby high desert enclave is just outside the town of Taos and is a destination for artists, ex-hippies, and New Age tourists.
Fall, 2005